AED Train the Trainer Course - DeFib UK

AED Train the Trainer Course
DeFib UK

Run by our sister company, Good Skills Training, the AED Train the Trainers Course for inhouse trainers, who wish to deliver staff training on the use of AED’s and Basic Life Support. This course will give inhouse trainers the skills and knowledge to teach and assess the use of Automatic External Defibrillators.

AED Train the Trainer Course Syllabus

The course will look at how to deliver and assess the following content:\n\n

  • Primary survey
  • CPR
  • Using the AED
  • Recovery position
  • General maintenance tips

The afternoon will be made of of micro-teach sessions with each participant leading at least one session and observing others. The course is designed for inhouse trainers.

AED Train the Trainer Course Prerequisite

  • The prerequisite for this course is that all learners will hold a current First Aid at Work Certificate and will ideally have some previous training experience.
  • This course is a practical course on AED & BLS and learners must be able to physically demonstrate these skills
  • It is recommended that learners have a minimum of Level 1 literacy and numeracy or equivalent.
  • Learners should be at least 18 years old in order to undertake the qualification.

AED Train the Trainer Course Duration

Contact Hours: 6. The course is normally delivered 09:30 – 16:30.

Awarding Body

There is no awarding body for this course, but it is certificated by Good Skills Training. More information on the course can be found on Good Skills Trainings WebSite, or you can call 01473 551815 to discuss your needs in more detail and possible date options.

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    Remember, we are here to help. If you have any questions, or need help deciding the best AED for your needs, please call us .... it's what we are here for. 01473 551815.